Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Autodiscover service not working

The following solution might not be Microsoft recommended or supported. 
Please read the rest of the thread below before tying this fix.  There are many other more common fixes to the problem that should be tried before the fix presented here.
I found this solution on a third party web site.  The site claimed that it only affected exchange 2007- and prior to SP2.  It should not affect Exchange 2010, but in my case it worked. I’m guessing in my case, the in-place upgrade had something to do with it, and I think the problem didn’t appear until the DC was changed to 2008.
In IIS, I changed the ‘Windows Authentication’ to run ‘kernel-mode authentication’

On the client, I was no longer prompted starting outlook.  Using the test auto-configuration showed it found via SCP and http status 200.  Viewing the Outlook diagnostic logs (olkdisc.log) also showed successful authentication negotiation.  Accessing Out-Of-Office failed, as did Free/busy.
I then turned on kernel-authentication on EWS and OAB (OAB inherits the setting from the Default Web site level).
Problems with OOF, Free/Busy, downloading OAB all went away for both Outlook 2007 and 2010.  Viewing the Outlook diagnostic logs confirms they are successfully running.  And I no longer get any authentication prompts.
Thanks for all those who help in troubleshooting the problem and I hope others will find this information useful.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

SQL Server does not exist or access denied

New SQL Express 2012 on Server 2008 r2 (specifics shouldn't matter)
Trying to connect to the DB from another server (local subnet).
Was getting error "SQL Server does not exist or access denied."
Couldn't telnet to port 1433. Could to other ports.
TCP/IP and named pipes enabled.
Services properly authenticated and started/restarted.
Firewall exceptions given to 1433 on SQL server's inbound (even tried disabling firewall)
What tripped me up was that I was working with a non-default instance (original one was disabled). Apparently, the non-default instance gets a random port generated for it. Also, the port doesn't seem to show itself anywhere in the SQL mgmt tools.
The port was found here:
I put it in the firewall inbound exceptions, success.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Windows 7 can't join domain, DNS issues resolved

You need flush your DNS cache in client side first.
Then, let’s create the following registry value for a try:

 - Created a DWORD DomainCompatibilityMode = 1
 - Created a DWORD DNSNameResolutionRequired = 0
Reboot the machine and check the result again.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

MS Command Prompt

ArpAllows viewing and editing of the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache.
HostnameDisplays the host name of the computer.
IpconfigDisplays the current TCP/IP configuration for both IPv4 and IPv6. Also used to manage Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)-allocated IPv4 address configurations,           display or flush the DNS client resolver cache, and register DNS names.
NbstatDisplays NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) configuration and allows management of the NetBIOS name cache.
NetshConfiguration tool for many network services. For each network service, there is a context containing commands specific for that service. For the netsh interface ip and netsh interface ipv6 contexts, displays and administers TCP/IP protocol settings on either the local computer or a remote computer.
NetstatDisplays protocol statistics and information on current TCP connections.
NslookupPerforms DNS queries and displays the results.
PingSends Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo or Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv6 (ICMPv6) Echo Request messages to test reachability.
RouteAllows viewing of the IPv4 and IPv6 routing tables and editing of the IPv4 routing table.
TracertSends ICMP Echo and ICMPv6 Echo Request messages to trace the network route taken by IPv4 or IPv6 packets to a specific destination.
PathpingSends ICMP Echo or ICMPv6 Echo Request messages to trace the route an IPv4 or IPv6 packet takes to a destination and displays information on packet loss for each router and link in the path.
SNMP serviceProvides status and statistical information to Simple Network Management System (SNMP) management systems.
NetdiagRuns a series of diagnostic tests on network components. Netdiag is installed as part of the Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 Support Tools in the Support\Tools folder of the Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 product CD-ROM.
TelnetTests TCP connection establishment between two nodes.
TtcpListens for and sends TCP segment data or UDP messages between two nodes. Ttcp.exe is provided with Windows XP Service Pack 2 in the Valueadd\Msft\Net\Tools folder of the Windows XP Service Pack 2 CD-ROM

wmic useraccount get name,sid

Get Dell service tag
wmic bios get serialnumber

wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion

Remote shutdown
shutdown /r /m \\ComputerName /c "Comment" /d [u|p] <xx>:<yy>

Local user
net user username password

Active user
net user <username> /active:yes

net time \\<time server> /set /yes

Install schema master (Domain Controller)
regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll

mstsc /v:[computername or IP] /console

format X: /P:7

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Install 32-bit version of Java 6u29

ASDM Launcher shortcut:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe" -Xms64m -Xmx512m -Dsun.swing.enableImprovedDragGesture=true -classpath lzma.jar;jploader.jar;asdm-launcher.jar;retroweaver-rt-2.0.jar com.cisco.launcher.Launcher

To enable ASDM/SSH access:

Configuration - Device Management - Management Access - ASDM/HTTPS/Telnet/SSH

Add interface permissions

Configuration - Device Management - Users/AAA - AAA Access

Enable authentication and connection types

Configuration - Device Management - Certificate Management - Identity Certificates

Add a new identity certificate

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Dell stuff


Search for SUU (Server Update Utility)
Search for SBUU (Systems Build and Update Utility)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

ESXi Shell

tail to look at the end of a file

tail /var/log/hostd.log
tail -f /var/log/hostd.log (-f to follow updates on screen)

cat to read logs


cat /var/log/hostd.log
cat /var/log/hostd.log | grep -i 2014-08-20 (use grep to locate a specific word or time stamp. the -i ignores case)

services.sh restart to restart host services

chkconfig -l to show daemons running on hypervisor. can also be used for configuration.

esxtop same as linux top for vmware

vmkerrcode -l to list vmkernel errors

dcui to provide console screen to ssh session

vsish vmware interactive shell

ipkg list_installed to list installed packages (ESXi 4.1)

esxcli software vib list to list installed packages (ESXi 5.0)

esxcfg-info to list information about the host

esxcfg-nics to get nic options (-l to list nics and their configs)

esxcfg-vswitch -l to list information about virtual switching. can also be used for configuration.

esxcli network nic list to accomplish the same as esxcfg-nics -l

vim-cmd vimsvc/license --show to show license information

vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms to list all running vms and vmid

vim-cmd vmsvc/power.off vmid to power off vmid referenced from getallvms command

vim-cmd vmsvc/power.on vmid to power on vmid referenced from getallvms command

vim-cmd vmsvc/power.reboot vmid to reboot vmid referenced from getallvms command

vim-cmd vmsvc/destroy vmid to delete the vmdk and vmx files from disk

vim-cmd hostsvc/maintenance_mode_enter to put hypervisor into maintenance mode

vim-cmd hostsvc/maintenance_mode_exit to take hypervisor out of maintenance mode

vim-cmd hostsvc/hostsummary | grep inMaintenanceMode to check the state of maintenance mode on the host

vim-cmd solo/registervm /vmfs/vol/datastore/dir/vm.vmx to register vm in hypervisor inventory

vim-cmd vmsvc/unregister vmid to unregister vm with hypervisor

vim-cmd vmsvc/tools.install vmid to start vmware tools installation for VM

vim-cmd hostsvc/net/info to provide information about hypervisor networking

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

NK2 File Locations

Outlook 2003/2007 with Windows 2000, XP, or Server 2003

C:\Documents and Settings\[User Profile]\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\filename.NK2

Outlook 2003/2007 with Windows Vista, 7, or Server 2008: 

C:\Users\[User Profile]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Outlook\filename.NK2

Outlook 2010/2013 with Windows Vista, 7, or Server 2008: 

C:\Users\[User Profile]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\RoamCache\Stream_Autocomplete_[key].dat

Outlook 2010/2013 with Windows XP: 

C:\Documents and Settings\[User Profile]\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\RoamCache\Stream_Autocomplete_[key].dat

When you use the NK2Edit utility, you don't have to worry about locating the NK2 file, it automatically opens the default file for you.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Quickbooks license error after cloning hard drive

"Could not initialize license properties. Error 3371 and Error 3371, Status Code -11118: "QuickBooks could not load the license data..."

Find and delete the EntitlementDataStore.ecml file

Path to file:
c:\users\all users\intuit\entitlement client\v...\

If the entitlement client folder is missing, reinstall Quickbooks

helpful forum post

Monday, July 28, 2014

Exchange user mailbox quota limit changes may take up to 2 hours to take effect

Open regedit on the server

Go to HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeIS\ParametersSystem

Create a new DWORD value “Reread Logon Quotas Interval” (without the quotes) and give it a decimal value of 1200 (20 minutes in seconds)

Still under the key ParametersSystem, create a new DWORD value “Mailbox Cache Age Limit” and give it a decimal value of 20

Restart the Exchange IS

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Error when launching Exchange Management Console

Error reads: "...The system load quota of 1000 requests per 2 seconds has been exceeded. Send future requests at a slower rate or raise the quote for this user..."

Run command prompt as administrator.

Use IISRESET command.

After IIS restarts, try opening EMC again.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Set RAM limit to SBS internal database

Open SQL Server Management Studio

Connect to server name:

Right click the root node, click Properties
Click Memory
Change the value of Maximum server memory (in MB)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Veeam backup failure

Error during VeeamZip backup attempt: "An error occurred while saving the snapshot: failed to quiesce the virtual machine"

Some of the VMware KB suggestions include:


But, the virtual disk service suggestion didn't help, and the other suggestion requires a reboot, which was not possible in my situation.

The solution I found was to modify the VMware tools installation to REMOVE the VMware tools' VSS option.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

An AD setting that can make or break Active-Sync to your mobile device

Open Active Directory Users and Computers

Click View menu

Select Advanced Features

Locate the user in Active Directory, select Properties on the user profile

Open the Security tab

Click Advanced button at the bottom of the Security tab

Make sure "Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent" is checked

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Troubleshooting TCP/IP

ArpAllows viewing and editing of the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache.
HostnameDisplays the host name of the computer.
IpconfigDisplays the current TCP/IP configuration for both IPv4 and IPv6. Also used to manage Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)-allocated IPv4 address configurations,           display or flush the DNS client resolver cache, and register DNS names.
NbstatDisplays NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) configuration and allows management of the NetBIOS name cache.
NetshConfiguration tool for many network services. For each network service, there is a context containing commands specific for that service. For the netsh interface ip and netsh interface ipv6 contexts, displays and administers TCP/IP protocol settings on either the local computer or a remote computer.
NetstatDisplays protocol statistics and information on current TCP connections.
NslookupPerforms DNS queries and displays the results.
PingSends Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo or Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv6 (ICMPv6) Echo Request messages to test reachability.
RouteAllows viewing of the IPv4 and IPv6 routing tables and editing of the IPv4 routing table.
TracertSends ICMP Echo and ICMPv6 Echo Request messages to trace the network route taken by IPv4 or IPv6 packets to a specific destination.
PathpingSends ICMP Echo or ICMPv6 Echo Request messages to trace the route an IPv4 or IPv6 packet takes to a destination and displays information on packet loss for each router and link in the path.
SNMP serviceProvides status and statistical information to Simple Network Management System (SNMP) management systems.
NetdiagRuns a series of diagnostic tests on network components. Netdiag is installed as part of the Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 Support Tools in the Support\Tools folder of the Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 product CD-ROM.
TelnetTests TCP connection establishment between two nodes.
TtcpListens for and sends TCP segment data or UDP messages between two nodes. Ttcp.exe is provided with Windows XP Service Pack 2 in the Valueadd\Msft\Net\Tools folder of the Windows XP Service Pack 2 CD-ROM

How to crack a Windows login

command: net user [username] [password]

here's a method that works

boot the computer into a mode that gives you access to the command prompt. if you use a windows installer, select the repair computer option

a the command prompt, change directory to c:\windows\system32

copy “cmd.exe” to replace “utilman.exe” using the following commands:

move utilman.exe utilman.bak

copy cmd.exe utilman.exe

reboot the computer

boot the computer in normal mode, at the windows login screen use crtl+alt+del to open the windows login dialog, then use windowskey+u and the command prompt should open

in the command prompt window type the following command:

net user [username] [password]

make [username] the name of the administrator account, and [password] will be your new password

close the command prompt window and login with your new password